About Erin DeLullo

Erin DeLullo, founder and principal of Civitella Strategies, is a strategist with deep experience helping corporate, non-profit and political clients—and extensive relationships with state attorneys general.

In the last decade, Erin has served as an advisor for numerous nonprofits and corporations, as well as dozens of Attorney General campaigns. She maintains strong relationships with many Attorneys General and their staff.

Erin managed her first political campaign at age 20, and has gone on to advise numerous political candidates (including serving as a senior coalitions strategist on a presidential race).

Erin currently produces a highly regarded coalition lunch, invitation-only weekly gathering of high-level advocacy representatives and prominent Members of Congress. She also hosts The Poisoning podcast, and writes The Poisoning newsletter on Substack (both focus on the fentanyl and opioid epidemic).

In 2006, Campaigns & Elections magazine named Erin a “Rising Star of Politics.” Erin lives in West Virginia with her husband and two children.